Ryan's job is a little strange in some ways. His unit is technically based out of Ramstein, Germany. That means that from time to time he has to head over there to accomplish things. Since he's just starting out, he needed to head over to inprocess in to his new job. That left Katy and I on our own for a few days to play. The morning Ryan needed to leave, we took the train with him into town until our routes diverged, then Katy and I headed to her one true obsession since she found out we were moving here: The London Eye.
There was a bit of a snafu with the ticket printing machine (we had purchased annual Merlin passes to get us in to quite a few attractions around town and needed to pick them up) so we were rewarded by the staff by being allowed to board through the "priority boarding" line. This was one *happy* kid....
After we rode the London Eye we headed for a German Christmas Market that we'd spotted the week before at the base for lunch and to see what other fun we could find.
And then we found Santa!!!
And maybe even a sticky treat....
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